Prof. Dr. Thomas G. Roitsch:
Plant phenomics of plant assimilate partitioning: importance for development, stress responses & biotechnology
From green islands and impotent pollen to applications in biotechnology and agriculture
22nd March 2023, 1 p.m.
Mendel University in Brno, building M, room 2.12
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salma Balazadeh:
Balancing growth and abiotic stress tolerance in plants - genomic and biotechnological approaches
21. 2. 2023
Mendel University in Brno, building M, room 2.12
27. 9. 2022 Podzim s molekulární fyziologií rostlin setkání u příležitosti jubilea prof. RNDr. Břetislava Brzobohatého, CSc. M 2.12, AF MENDELU |
![]() Building M Mendel University in Brno |
Stránky konference: https://umbr.af.mendelu.cz/molecules-of-life-2022
September 11, 2020
Křtiny, Czech Republic
Previous Events
9:00 Welcome
9:05 Student section 1 (Session Chair: Jan Novák)
9:05 Hydrogen peroxide - a toxic molecule or an effective regulator of seed germination? (Hana Habánová)
9:20 Comparative analysis of exogenous effects of cytokinins with inhibition of degradation of their endogenous levels (Vladěna Koukalová)
9:35 Downregulation of phot1 in Solanum lycopersicum L. (Petra Hloušková)
9:50 Development of new techniques for an objective evaluation of seed germination (Miroslav Berka)
10:00 Light and its effect on plant proteome (Markéta Luklová)
10:10 Effect of temperature on cytokinin marker genes transcripts levels (Adéla Horáková)
10:20 Break
10:30 Worth a look: The endophytic fungus Acremonium alternatum and its potential in integrated pest management (Susann Auer)
11:15 Posttranslational modifications in plant responses to the environment – a case for ubiquitin and SUMO (Andreas Bachmair)
12:00-13:00 Lunch, poster session
13:00 Alternative techniques for selective breeding of potatoes (Marie Greplová)
13:45 The role of plant hormones in abiotic stress responses (Radomíra Vaňková)
14:30 Break
14:35 Student section 2 (Session Chair: Iñigo Saiz-Fernández)
14:35 Cytokinin regulates sulfur nutrition status including glutathione content and glutathione-mediated stress tolerance (Jaroslav Pavlů)
14:50How can tobacco plants utilize protein casein as a nitrogen source? (Kateřina Bělonožníková)
15:05 Semiautomatization of commonly used methods in microbiology (Dušan Turek)
15:20 Research of the function of the plant hormone receptor CRE1/AHK4 using an automated high-throughput screening method (Romana Kopecká)
15:30 Cytokinin deficiency favours glutathione-dependent xenobiotic tolerance (Martina Šlapáková)
15:35 An improved method for determining activity of the AHK4 receptor in E. coli (Kamila Horáčková)
15:40 Closing
Prof. Dr. Anne FRARY |
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, Institute of Biophysics AS CR, v.v.i. and CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, Mendel University in Brno would like to invite you to the lecture by Prof. Dr. Anne Frary: Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of boron hyperaccumulation in Puccinellia distans
1st June 2016, 1 p.m. Mendel University in Brno, building M
Space is limited, please, REGISTER |
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Anne Frary is a full professor at Izmir Institute of Technology and co-leader of the Doganlar/Frary Lab for Plant Molecular Genetics and Breeding. Her PhD research at Department of Plant Breeding, Cornell University, USA, was followed by a postdoctoral stay at Plant Science Center (Cornell University). She was appointed Assistant Professor at Izmir Institute of Technology in 2001. Her research interests are focused on genetic control of agronomic and nutritional traits in plants, plant genetic diversity, and plant tissue culture and genetic engineering and their applications in agriculture. |
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Zemedelska 1, 613 00, Brno
Head of Department: